Phase II to IV

Let’s take your product from concept to approval

AXIS is uniquely positioned to provide cost and time-efficient solutions for
any of your clinical development needs at phases II to IV.

We have established in-depth expertise in Clinical Pharmacology and Early stage development

We have established in-depth therapeutic area expertise.


We have conducted multiple studies across the US in hematological cancers as well as solid tumors.


We combine our highly qualified staff with a proven network of dermatology investigators to give your study the exceptional attention it deserves.


Our team will help in rapid start-up and selection of high-enrollment sites.

Explore our comprehensive CRO services

We handle everything from the big picture to the smallest detail

We offer stand-alone services for your project as well.

Reducing complexity with meticulous planning and real time communication

Our approach

We understand that each project is unique. We start with a structured kickoff meeting to ensure that every project is carefully planned for timely communication and seamless workflow. We strive for quality and precision in study conduct to facilitate regulatory approval.

Our project managers and CRAs maintain real-time communication with the sites to monitor enrollment and study conduct. Our preferred vendor partners help us ensure seamless study execution.

The team’s highest priority is to achieve stakeholder satisfaction
through project engagement to successfully execute the study.

Ensuring quality and consistency in data with robust planning and regular monitoring

Clinical trial success starts early with a robust study design. Our data managers develop effective and comprehensive CRFs to ensure quality and consistent data are collected during the study.

The CRAs perform real-time monitoring to resolve inconsistencies early and perform onsite source document verification to ensure accuracy of the data.

Success Through Transparent and Real-Time Communication

Communication is key

Clear communication at all times is the bedrock of a successful trial. Our project manager and CRAs maintain a close watch on enrollment, study conduct, and vendor supplies. Any potential issues are identified early and brought to the Sponsor’s attention for appropriate resolution.

With our always-on team availability, we have the flexibility needed to respond quickly to any challenge and develop mitigation strategies to reduce risk to project execution.

The team’s highest priority is to achieve stakeholder satisfaction
through project engagement to successfully execute the study.

Comprehensive clinical monitoring by experienced staff

What the industry is saying about AXIS

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Interested in bringing your study to AXIS? Please reach out:

John Pottier
Senior VP Business Development